19. 3D Imaging Tasks: MPR

ND320 C3 L1 16.2 Common 3D Imaging Data Tasks - Multi-Planar Reconstruct

Most likely primary plane for CT

In an abdominal CT scan (where an area between pelvis and head is imaged), using a CT scanner similar to what has been shown earlier in this lesson, what is the most likely primary image acquisition plane?



We just learned about multi-planar reconstruction (MPR). This is where we construct 2-dimensional images in planes that are not the original acquisition plane. Typically one wants to see images in the cardinal planes - axial, coronal and sagittal, which are orthogonal to each other. Sometimes one is also interested in planes which are not orthogonal to the primary acquisition plane, and in such case we talk about oblique MPR.

New Vocabulary

  • MPR: multi-planar reconstruction - extraction of non-primary imaging planes from a 3D volume